
Charming Bouquet

Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet

    Charming Bouquet

    €59.95 €59.95
    Someone is going to love this gift! The kaleidoscope of vigorous colour ensures this striking hand-tied takes centre stage right away. With red roses, pink gerberas, blooms, maticari and santini chrysants finished with spray roses, waxflowers, alstroemeria and foliage. This is certainly the right choice of gift to make a lasting impression.

    The image shows Large Size

    Please note: for seasonal and other supply reasons, we may occasionally substitute some of the blooms shown in the image. We will always try to be true to the bouquet's colour coordination, style, and shape and guarantee to give you the full value paid. If you have any queries, please email or call us and we would be delighted to confirm availability and explain alternatives. See the 'Contact Us' section.

    Someone is going to love this gift! The kaleidoscope of vigorous colour ensures this striking hand-tied takes centre stage right away. With red roses, pink gerberas, blooms, maticari and santini chrysants finished with spray roses, waxflowers, alstroemeria and foliage. This is certainly the right choice of gift to make a lasting impression.

    The image shows Large Size

    Please note: for seasonal and other supply reasons, we may occasionally substitute some of the blooms shown in the image. We will always try to be true to the bouquet's colour coordination, style, and shape and guarantee to give you the full value paid. If you have any queries, please email or call us and we would be delighted to confirm availability and explain alternatives. See the 'Contact Us' section.



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